Writer - Artist - Producer





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MrMusiq is a native of St. Petersburg, Florida. He was born on January 17, 1980. He is an accomplished songwriter who creates, plays and produces his own music. The Brothers of Revelations and True Devine are a couple of the groups MrMusiq has managed and sung lead-in. While under his management, the groups have toured with national recording artists like The Pilgram Jubilees, The Alabama Blind Boys, and Lil Sonny and the Brooklyn All-Stars.

MrMusiq was strongly influenced by his grandmother, the late Bishop Ozella Glover. She recognized his talents at a young age and always encouraged him to pursue his dreams. Another family influence was his mother, Sallie M. Rush. He says, and I quote, "She helps my creative side stay fresh. She never stays in one genre, she makes the music fit her." MrMusiq finds Jamie Foxx to be very creative. In his opinion, Mr. Foxx pours his personality into his music. He is also influenced by R Kelly, J Moss, Calvin Richardson, and Leon Timbo. Believing they all make sure their music is enough to grab you and their lyrics are enough to hold you throughout the entire song.

On June 9, 2014, MrMusiq released his first single, "Embracing Who I Am" from his debut album Motivation and Duets. He chose "Embracing Who I Am" because it's an intro to who he is as a person. He stated, " I had to learn to embrace the struggle to enjoy the journey." The album features a song entitled Believe Me. The song reflects on a time when his mindset was captured and he needed God to revive him from the hood life mentality. As free as he felt his body was, his mind and heart were locked up. On top of good music, Motivation and Duets also includes some spoken word pieces like From The Pulpit, a piece that was inspired by the acceptance of his new day. Now being able to witness all the hurt and pain in ministry. The things he couldn't see while sitting with the rest of the congregation.

MrMusiq's belief in making music you can feel and understand without knowing the artist. He plans to continue to make good gospel music. It is his hopes and dream that at least one soul be moved as he replays his life through his music.